July 30, 2022 – We are very excited to announce that Divergence Neuro Technologies Inc. has partnered with BrainBit Inc. to provide their dry, Bluetooth wireless EEG headband to Divergence customers!

This partnership will allow us to offer another high-quality, affordable headset to therapists and coaches for use in remote and at-home neurofeedback and neuromeditation treatment protocols. The BrainBit headband uses Bluetooth to connect with the Dive mobile app to help better enable patients and clients without high speed WiFi or Internet connections so that they too can benefit from remote neurofeedback. All the data collected from the device during the remote session will be streamed to the Divergence Platform for review and analysis by the care provider.

“We’re excited to bring a new, affordable, high-quality EEG device option to our customers through this partnership with BrainBit!” said Alex Ni, CEO of Divergence. “The BrainBit headband does not require WiFi to connect and provides a lighter and simpler form factor for therapists, coaches and their patients and clients that we believe will make neurofeedback treatment and training even more affordable and accessible. We’re excited to be offering this new option to the market today!”

The BrainBit headband is available for purchase, now, during account registration or through the device management screen inside the Divergence web application for therapists and coaches. Order one today to explore the possibilities of this exciting new device option!

BrainBit Headband
BrainBit Headband
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