We are excited to announce the release of version 1.2.0 of the Divergence Neuro Platform for Therapists and Coaches! This version contains all the capabilities that you would need to work with your clients remotely in real time.

Live Session Streaming

We have added the ability for clients to live stream their neurofeedback session including the data from their headset! Remote guided therapy and coaching sessions are now possible with the addition of the following capabilities:

  • Ability to see if a Client is currently in a session,
    Ability to view a Client’s live EEG data,
  • Ability to dynamically change the Client’s event thresholds during a live session,
  • Ability to enter a waiting room prior to the Client starting their session, and
  • Automatically changing the therapist / coach view when a Client has started / ended their session.
Live Session - EEG

Session Analysis View

We have also enhanced the Session Analytics screen with the following changes:

  • Increased the smoothness of the charts,
  • Updated the Effectiveness Score on the line to the top right of each effectiveness graph,
  • Added the following elements to the screen:
    • Name of the protocol,
    • Date and time the session was run, and
    • Indication of what sensor locations were involved in the session protocol.

This exciting new capability is available to all users of the Divergence Neuro Platform for Therapists and Coaches now! Check out the Community for the detailed steps on how to join a live session with your client.

If you are not currently a Divergence subscriber, use one of the links below to register and begin your free trial.

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