April 14, 2023 – Toronto

Over the last several months, we have been working hard with our partner, BrainBit, to bring a hardware device rental program to our joint customers. Today, we are very excited to announce that this program is now officially available to all Divergence Therapists, Coaches and their Clients!

We have been hearing from you, our valued customers, that a rental option would make the devices and neurofeedback therapy even more accessible than it is today. With Divergence and BrainBit, this is now a reality!

BrainBit is offering both their Headband and Flex devices for rent. For a low monthly fee plus a setup fee, any Divergence customer can now get access to a high quality EEG device. The highlights of each rental option is outlined below.

BrainBit Headband

BrainBit Headband
USD $59/month
USD $119 one-time setup fee
apply up to 3 months worth of rental fees to the purchase of the device

BrainBit Flex

BrainBit Flex Case - Opened
USD $79/month
USD $99 one-time setup fee
apply up to 3 months worth of rental fees to the purchase of the device


In addition to the links above, a rental for either device can be initiated from the Divergence website homepage, the Therapist/Coach app as well as from the Dive mobile app.

We are excited to bring this new option to Divergence customers and will continue to work to provide the most accessible and cost-effective neurofeedback platform to mental health professionals and their clients everywhere!

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