Biofeedback has been around for over 60 years—and its direct descendant neurofeedback has been actively practiced by clinicians for nearly as long. Sometimes conceived of as “bottom-up” v. “top-down” approaches to neuroregulation, these are each powerful modalities in their own right, as the recently published 4th edition of Evidence-based Practice in Biofeedback and Neurofeedback attest.
However, for a variety of reasons these modalities have rarely been used together in a systematic way in clinical practice. With the advent of new integrative technologies, those days are coming to an end.
In this episode of NeuroVerge, we took a close look at new and creative ways these tools can be used in everyday clinical practice. In combination, biofeedback and neurofeedback can not only have a synergistic impact on neuroregulation, but actually deepen and enrich the overall process of psychotherapy and other forms of healing.
Nathan Brown, PhD, Senior Clinical Advisor for Divergence Neuro and founder of TrueBearing Academy went through a 60-minute overview of evidence-based strategies to incorporate neurofeedback and biofeedback in your clinical practice. Just as in all the presentations in the NeuroVerge series, in this webinar, Dr. Brown shared insights and clinical strategies to use these modalities in ways that will improve outcomes for your patients and clients– regardless of your specialty.
Whether you have been a practicing neurotherapist for years or you’re brand new to the field, you will find in this series valuable and practical insights that you can immediately apply to your own profession.
This webinar was part of a continuing series offered by Dr. Brown on behalf of Divergence Neuro and in partnership with TrueBearing Academy.
Download the recording below!